Thursday, October 12, 2006

Anonymous Beratings

Maybe it's because I am in a bit of a pissy mood due to midterms, but people (strangers) have really been bugging me lately. Unfortunately, I have the decency to keep my mouth shut. So, this post is a shoutout to all those people that have peeved me in the past while.

  • Girl on the Bus: Your hair is a mess. Seriously. Did you cut it yourself? So you brush it? Wash it even?
  • Man at the Bus Stop: It is quite tactless to tell me that I shouldn't have gone into Science and that it would have been smarter to be in Pharmacy, Business, or Engineering because a Science degree will never get me a job, and pharmacists, businesspeople, and engineers make more money.
  • Exchange Students in the Library: Just because I can't understand what you're saying doesn't mean I can't hear you.
  • Teens on the Bus: It is wholly unnecessary for you to talk as loudly as you do. So what if you are going to a Zombie Walk? So what if you think zombies are the coolest thing ever? So what if you would seriously wear a feather boa all the time if you had one? People could really care less.
I think I am forgetting a few, but I'm sure I'll come across some more as my mood worsens.


Blogger Karen said...

I think I take the same bus as you :)

My two bus pet peeves:
1. people sitting beside you who don't move to an empty seat when it becomes available.

2. people who talk loudly on cell phones and use the word "LIKE" every sentence. It, like, totally, like, bugs me, like, you know? (alternatively people who use "like" instead of said/says - example: so I was like... and then she was like... then I was like...)

October 13, 2006 9:46 a.m.  
Blogger Future MD said...

Feather boa? What kind of teens live in your city! I was at Barnes and Noble and some girls, I don't know, about 15, were speaking lovingly about Paris Hilton making out with Nicole Richie (I would have never known this if it weren't for them). I would welcome some feather boa conversation! But the Zombie should be more like my brother. Some guy was going on and on about the Matrix on the bus, and it was really annoying because it had that "like" combined with utter nonesense, so he, the diplomat of the family, sternly and in a calm voice told him that "It's 100 degrees outside and no one wants to hear your stupid conversation". It started a minor confrontation, but my bro was satisfied with not hearing "Matrix", "Like" and "You know what else" in the same strings of sentences for a while!

October 14, 2006 10:01 p.m.  
Blogger Krista said...

Karen: See, I think there is a dilemma when you're sitting beside a stranger and another, stranger-free seat becomes available. I don't know if it's just me, but I consider that the stranger might be offended if I moved, blatantly "telling" them that I was uncomfortable sitting next to them. On the other hand, I am moderately peeved when I am the stranger and my seat-sharer doesn't move when the opportunity presents itself. I am definitely miffed if I'm sitting in the three-seater across from the back door to one side and the person in the middle seat doesn't move when the third seat becomes free. Geez.

Future MD: I have definitely heard coversations worse than the feather boa one, but this one was just... BLAH. I think it was because the so-called teens were actually not teens, and at least 18 years old because they were also talking about going to bars and 18+ concerts and stuff, yet they were still in that late junior high/early high school phase where everyone is apparently trying to find themselves or at least let everyone know that they are "individuals" and junk. (Yowza. That was a mighty run-on sentence.) I hope everyone knows this phase that I am talking about. They were also talking about raves and candy kids and being all goth and whatever, which is another surefire sign of this aforementioned stage in life. I's also quite sure that I would never ever be bold enough to ever even think of the possibility of maybe saying something to someone to make them shut up. That's not how I roll.

October 14, 2006 11:24 p.m.  
Blogger Krista said...

Oh. And I forgot the standard bus-cell phone conversation (the part that everyone can hear):

Hey. No. I'm on the bus. Yeah. By Tim Horton's. Um, like... ten minutes maybe. Yep. Okay. Bye.

October 14, 2006 11:48 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

I wouldn't be the least bit offended if someone moved to another seat. We all like our personal space. If there's an empty seat, MOVE PLEASE! Don't make me beg.

I've been known to leap out of my chair when I'm the stranger and a seat comes open.

As for the three seat benches...OMG! Yes, move over! There's absolutely no reason that person needs to squish their smelly body up against mine. ick ick ick.

I imagine that the people I end up plunking my butt down beside think the same thing so I look on it as a courtesy to my fellow bus travellers. I'm giving them room to breathe.

October 16, 2006 9:12 a.m.  

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