Saturday, February 17, 2007


You will have likely noticed that I have not blogged in nearly a month. This is because school has taken over my life, namely the lab reports. If I am not writing a lab report, I am cramming for an exam or reading a multitude of research papers. My Reading Week (February 19-23) will be spent READING!!! I have five midterms and six lab reports in the five weeks following Reading Week. They are, of course, not evenly spaced throughout those five weeks; rather, they are lumped, clumped, grouped, what have you. But it's not like I am really entitled to complain. I knew this was coming, and I have time. I just don't WANT to prepare. I don't WANT to hole up in the library for the entirety of my "freedom." I want to sleep and watch movies and DVDs and sports and plain ol' do NOTHING!!!

Since ALL of my time has been devoted to school, there is little else to report. Lost started up again after its extended hiatus. What's the deal with that anyway? Primetime TV shows have gathered such massive followings that they can afford not making new episodes for months without risking the loss of their viewers. And with the advent on TV on DVD, all that additional revenue means they can afford it even more. It makes sense, but it's dumb. Just show your show.

I got my first mobile phone. Well, it's actually not my first. I had one in the tenth grade for a few months, but no one else had one soI basically never used it. It's pretty useful, I suppose. I have only had it for a week, and a lot of my friends don't have my number yet, so I suppose I haven't exactly hit peak usage. But I pretty much love text messaging.

I have been thinking about extending my degree by at least another semester, taking a few courses that I wanted to take, but didn't get the chance to since I switched programs mid-degree and have been bogged down with requirements. This extension would also serve to help me prepare for.... applying to med school. Eeep. When I was young, I wanted to be a doctor. Then I wanted to be a lawyer. Then I wanted to be a researcher. And now I have come full circle and kind of want to be a doctor again. I think I could do it. And I know it would interest me beyond imagination. But.... I still don't know. Is it truly what I really want? It is my goal to figure that out over Reading Week, which also means I will have to work out my degree.... and scrap my application for graduation.... and register for some summer classes..... and somehow find some money to faciliate this extension. So much to think about. It's making me emo.

And speaking of emo... I know I generally wouldn't talk about this on a blog, but it's really bugging me. What the heck is up with males? Why are boys dumb? Do they know they are emitting mixed signals? Do they know that such mixed signals are ripping my figurative heart in two, nay, millions??? GAH! So, I am pretty much feeling foolish and heartbroken at the moment. Stupid boys.

Movies I've seen recently: Children of Men and Notes on a Scandal - see them both!
Movies I want to see: Apocalypto, The Departed, Babel, Flushed Away, Smokin' Aces, Stranger than Fiction
Music I've recently aquired - Children of Men Soundtrack (very eclectic; everyone's bound to like something on it; includes a beautiful rendition of "Ruby Tuesday"), MSTRKRFT, Hot Chip, Emily Loizeau, Snow Patrol, Justin Timberlake.
Music that I want to acquire: Thirteen Senses, Bloc Party


That's it, essentially. I will blog one more time in the near future to explain what I would be like were I a hockey player, but thereafter, I should be expected to be MIA.

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Blogger Jas said...


February 17, 2007 5:51 p.m.  
Blogger Jas said...

p.s. i understand about the stupidness of boys. We should "powwow". Hey, remember that SUCKtober when you, Nicole, Erin and I all went to Bistro Praha and discussed their stupidity? We SHOULD do that again.

February 17, 2007 5:53 p.m.  
Blogger Krista said...

Okay. I'll take your word on Smokin' Aces. I thought it just looked kind of cool. We should powwow, I agree. About boys, but not necessarily. And MAN, did that SUCKtober ever suck. Honestly, I don't think I have ever had such a horrible month in my life.

February 17, 2007 7:37 p.m.  
Blogger Ingmar "W" Bergman said...

Children Of Men is now probably one of my favourite films of all time.

Have you seen A Scanner Darkly? Try it out.

Have you heard of The Knife? Try to "sample" their Silent Shout album. Highly recommended.

See you in another life, brother.

February 21, 2007 5:14 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was easily the worst month ever. which is kind of good, i guess, because at least we know as bad as it gets, it's no SUCKtober. but we should go to bisto praha or something anyways once you are free-er and discuss something in ranting fashion (maybe school?)

February 24, 2007 10:59 a.m.  

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