Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Five "Weird" Things

Who is it that sings that song..... "Too much time on my hands..." Is it Styx? Some band like Styx? Whoever sings it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I obviously have too much time on my hands to be blogging twice in one day. I have been tagged to do this little survey thing by Monsieur Bergman, so here goes:
  1. I haven't got a run-of-the-mill middle name. Mine is my mother's maiden name, whose middle name is her mother's maiden name, and so on and so forth. It's traditional in my mom's culture. This is partially and coincidentally unfortunate pour moi as I have ended up with the initials K.O.W..
  2. My development from birth was rapid: I was on solid foods at six weeks, I cut my first teeth soon after, I was crawling at three months, walking and talking by seven months. I could read by the time I was three, and had my own signature by five. The first multiplication operation I taught myself was 11 x 20. I skipped the second grade and almost skipped the third. But, I have kind of plateaued since then.
  3. I have very keen eyes, though only when I am wearing my glasses. Although I have poor vision that requires correction, I am very good at scanning scenes to find things.
  4. Though I started reading at an early age, I was never a bookworm. I read so few books in my childhood that I cannot really remember any. The books that really got me interested in reading were the Harry Potter books, and I didn't start reading those until I was fourteen or so. To this day I don't read very much, mostly because during school I don't have the time. But I do make a conscious effort during the summer to read as much as I can. This summer I haven't lived up to expectations, and am just about to finish my eighth book since the beginning of May (five of which I have already read at some time in the past).
  5. I have two birthmarks, one on my arm and one on my ankle. The one on my arm is dark and the one on my ankle is light. They are pretty much the same size and shape. So, it's my theory that the pigmentation that was once in my ankle somehow jumped to my arm prenatally, resulting in two birthmarks.
I'm not sure that these facts are particularly "weird" because they are about me and I don't think that I am "weird." Maybe they're a bit trivial, but they're true. This has reminded me of all the personal tidbits I revealed on my old blog and the very few that I have revealed here (as in favourites, dislikes, pet peeves, etc.). Maybe I'll rectify that. . .

Oh, and I hereby tag:
Nicole, if she has the time
Future MD
...and anyone else that reads my blog, has their own blog, hasn't done it, and wants to do it.


Blogger Karen said...

I think you are truly weird, but in a good way! I had to actually consult friends because I don't think of myself usually as "weird". Odd perhaps, unique definately. Oh well, we're all special in our own ways, right?

August 10, 2006 8:55 a.m.  
Blogger Krista said...

Weird in a good way. Thanks.... I'll take that as a compliment, I think.

August 10, 2006 1:53 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Yep, weird is good. Why be normal? That just means you'd be like everyone else and that's boring.

August 10, 2006 3:16 p.m.  
Blogger Alex said...

K.O.W are good initials.

If my initials had to spell a word, I would make it something really hardcore though like

P.O.W or maybe


That'd be so cool.

August 11, 2006 1:21 a.m.  
Blogger Ingmar "W" Bergman said...

My middle name initials are F.N.

So in a way it's "ok" if I called myself the whole F-N show. Maybe I should've written that down as a weird thing about myself?

Impressive development. I sometimes feel that I haven't developed fully att he age of 27. ;)

August 12, 2006 2:26 p.m.  
Blogger Future MD said...

I think one of the birth markings are from your biological mother and the other is from the alien that impregnated her. The different colors demarcate your human tribe and the other your alien tribe.

Kidding ;)

You are so not weird. I use to be friends with a guy who was a priest of Satan, but quit working at his "church" because the parishioners were "too negative". So to me, you are the model of normalcy.

But I guess I'm the wrong person to ask :)

August 13, 2006 12:11 a.m.  

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