Bored Games
I'm bored.
Bored beyond satiety.
I'm not tired. I'm not restless. I'm not fidgety. I am just bored. Nothing I do tides me over for very long and I've been doing stuff that normally keeps me happy.
I've been reading my beloved Harry Potter (and the Order of the Phoenix). I started it yesterday after finishing A Million Little Pieces, which I didn't really like, by the by - I had some style issues. Anyway, I am now a couple hundred pages in and I am fully reminded why this book is my least favourite of the series. Holy sugar and spice, Harry is angsty. He drives me NUTS, BERZERK, INSANO. Ugh.
I've been playing Sudoku. I only discovered it a few days ago and I'm currently just honing my skills on the easiest puzzles. Problem is... after about five or six puzzles my brain shuts off and I suddenly have no idea what I'm doing. And then I'm mentally exhausted and bored.
I've been playing Makeover with my little sisters - we round up all the makeup we can find, and we go CRAZY. Well, not really CRAZY, but maybe crazy. And then we take photos (see new profile picture).
I've been playing around with some photos, par example:

I've been scouring the Internet for some fun.
I've been e-mailing people.
I've been watching TV.
And I've been blogging, of course.
For someone as bored as me, I sure have been doing a lot. Just not enough.
Le Sigh. I really hoped that blogging would fill the void that is my boredom, but I was wrong. It provided only a temporary, fleeting sense of satisfaction. And now it's gone. Boy, have I wasted your time. I'm going to bed.
Bored beyond satiety.
I'm not tired. I'm not restless. I'm not fidgety. I am just bored. Nothing I do tides me over for very long and I've been doing stuff that normally keeps me happy.
I've been reading my beloved Harry Potter (and the Order of the Phoenix). I started it yesterday after finishing A Million Little Pieces, which I didn't really like, by the by - I had some style issues. Anyway, I am now a couple hundred pages in and I am fully reminded why this book is my least favourite of the series. Holy sugar and spice, Harry is angsty. He drives me NUTS, BERZERK, INSANO. Ugh.
I've been playing Sudoku. I only discovered it a few days ago and I'm currently just honing my skills on the easiest puzzles. Problem is... after about five or six puzzles my brain shuts off and I suddenly have no idea what I'm doing. And then I'm mentally exhausted and bored.
I've been playing Makeover with my little sisters - we round up all the makeup we can find, and we go CRAZY. Well, not really CRAZY, but maybe crazy. And then we take photos (see new profile picture).
I've been playing around with some photos, par example:

I've been scouring the Internet for some fun.
I've been e-mailing people.
I've been watching TV.
And I've been blogging, of course.
For someone as bored as me, I sure have been doing a lot. Just not enough.
Le Sigh. I really hoped that blogging would fill the void that is my boredom, but I was wrong. It provided only a temporary, fleeting sense of satisfaction. And now it's gone. Boy, have I wasted your time. I'm going to bed.
Beautiful photos. What kind of flowers are they?
You know, I'm not sure what kind of flowers those are. I know the pink ones are really tiny and they also come in purple and white varieties (possibly more). And the jungle-looking ones sprout these big stalks from their centres, which then blossom out into these purple-ish clusters of flowers.
They're obviously not that exotic, being in Canada and all. I doubt that they're perennials, either.
We Are the Web...ha ha ha. I came across that a few days ago! Way too funny!
I'm sure the boredom will pass. All it takes is one little thing to catch your attention and you'll find yourself with not enough time to do everything again!
And hey, preseason hockey starts up soon!
Well they're pretty. I wish I was more of a horticultural man sometimes.
But you took the pictures right? What camera do you use?
Ms. Karen: Oh man, Leslie Hall is... is.... I don't know what she is, but, DANG! Sometimes I wonder how certain people come into existence. It's magic or something.
Also, I think I have just reached that natural lull in the summer. It's winding down, days are getting shorter, and I have better things to look forward to, like the start of school and hockey and TV and stuff. It's like I want the remainder of August to vanish so I can get to the fall harvest, so to speak. Man, that was a bad metaphor.
Mr. Bergman: Yes, I did take the pictures, right in my backyard. I'm not using a very high-end camera, though. It's a Kodak-something-something. A point-and-shoot sort of model. It's a dream to one day own a nice digital SLR camera with a full set of lenses, but I just don't have the money, nor the need really. About a month ago I looked around for an upgrade on my current camera, but my interest sort of dwindled. This Kodak hasn't given me any problems (so far) and it's not like I'm taking photos everyday, so I think I'll just start saving up for the SLR.
Mr. Bergman, again: The photos in this post are also by no means my favourite nor my best. They were just the ones I was tweaking that night. If you like them, I think you'll like these ones more:
-British Columbian forest
-some unknown house plant blossom
-some blue flowers
-chive blossom
-some other plant whose name I don't know
I'm no botanist, but I sure do admire plants.
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